“A passionate and poetic homage to one hundred musicians, artists, thinkers, entertainers, and athletes. It’s both insightful and entertaining.”
–NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
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“This picture-book biography of Martin Luther King Jr. stands out among the crowd of books written for children about this civil rights hero because, in addition to its clear focus on pivotal moments in his activist career, it presents a host of illuminating details. “
–Booklist (starred review)
More about You Are a Star, Martin Luther King, Jr. »
“Map lovers and readers interested in the development of knowledge and technology will be drawn to Robbins’ look at how we, over millennia, have documented Earth’s shape.”
More about The Shape of Things »
“Robbins and Chapman collectively convey the vivacity and joy of this exceptional musician.”
–The Horn Book (starred review)
“Pulsing with energy, this lively book shines a much-deserved spotlight on an artist who became renowned playing an instrument most commonly associated with men.”
–Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
More about The Fastest Drummer »
“An inspirational look at a young girl’s path to activism … A rousing biography that examines its subject’s motivations to serve others.”
–Kirkus Reviews
More about You Are a Star, Malala Yousafzai »
“A fresh and richly anecdotal testimonial to the life and achievements of the courageous primatologist.”
–Kirkus Reviews
More about You Are a Star, Jane Goodall »
“A warm, informative, and entertaining biography of a scholar, lawyer, and judge. Conversational first-person narration, inset graphics, fact boxes, and appealing digital illustrations combine to paint a well-rounded picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg from childhood to adulthood. The story bubbles with enthusiasm and interesting tidbits that will draw children in.”
–Kirkus Reviews
More about You Are a Star, Ruth Bader Ginsburg »
“Dean Robbins’s snappy language and smoking turn of phrase bring the mambo and all its followers to life. Eric Velasquez’s illustrations send sparks flying off each full-bleed spread. Fiery and rhythmic storytelling surges to the beat of the conga—a must-have selection for all ages.”
–School Library Journal (starred review)
More about Mambo Mucho Mambo! »
“Speed! Action! Excitement! This incredible biography shares the adventures of daredevil and record breaker Kitty O’Neil. It provides excellent representation of the deaf community as well as of a woman in sports. Highly recommended.”
–School Library Journal (starred review)
More about The Fastest Girl on Earth! »
“An engaging blend of history, biography, science, and epidemiology that is sure to inspire and inform. This is a great choice for allaying vaccination fears, communicating the importance of science and medicine, showing that heroes come in many forms, and explaining that education, creativity, resilience, and dedication can lead to achievements and concrete results.”
–Kirkus Reviews
More about Thank You, Dr. Salk! »
“More than an account of a singular figure, Robbins’s notable biography is a beautiful reminder that science and art are a vital combination and, together, can create new understanding.”
–New York Times
More about The Astronaut Who Painted the Moon»
“Dean Robbins successfully translates a complicated subject into an engaging text, with just the right of scientific information for young readers. A superb introduction to the life of one girl whose dreams were out of this world.”
–Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
More about Margaret and the Moon»
“A visit by Frederick Douglass to the home of Susan B. Anthony is at the center of this charming book about the intersections of women’s rights and African-American rights.”
–New York Times
More about Two Friends»
“An essential read on feminism.”
–New York Public Library